Interview with Dr. Andrew K. Shenton

The information literacy field has many contributors nowadays, but undoubtedly one of the most prolific and interesting writers is Dr. Andrew K. Shenton.

Dr. Shenton is a former lecturer in Northumbria University’s School of Computing, Engineering and Information Sciences. He is one of the leading researchers in the LIS field, studying mainly the information-seeking behaviour of children and young people.

He gained a doctorate in 2002 after investigating “The characteristics and development of young people's information universes”, which innovatively draws on the ideas and points of view of youngsters and investigates how these universes develop during childhood.

One of his passions is writing and he has published over 70 papers in a wide range of publications around the world. His work helps us gain a better understanding of young people’s “information universes”, as well as their attitudes and strategies related to finding and using information. Among his research lines you will find youngster’s use of other people as an information seeking method, an information resource quite underestimated by the professional literature, which in fact is a valid and very much used information seeking strategy.

He was a great inspiration for me when I was writing my thesis, and he continues to be so now. I am always eager to read whatever he will publish next (although he certainly writes faster than I can read ;-), as I am sure you will be, after reading this interview (if you haven’t already come across one of his articles).

Our questions for Dr. Shenton aimed to know what he thinks about the competencies an information literate person should possess, the implications of infolit in people’s quality of life, young people’s skills to recognize and satisfy their information needs and wants and more. I am most grateful to Dr. Shenton for sharing his enjoyable answers with us.

1 comentarios:

Sandra Zurita dijo...

Graciassss!!!!!! por compartir esta entrevista con nosotros. Muy enriquecedora y clara.

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